Traveler Security

Woodmile Organization's security solutions keep our clients well-informed about issues that could potentially affect their travel safety. Our solutions enable travel companies and corporations to track their travelers around the clock and around the world.

Leading-edge companies keep their travelers informed about security issues before, during and after a business trip and are well equipped to locate and assist them in an emergency. Travelers can be confident that you are looking after them.

Companies who address their security needs proactively are able to:

  • enhance traveler security & protection, increase traveler confidence
  • identify & locate travelers affected by a crisis
  • avoid risks while traveling to high-risk destinations
  • improve business continuity by protecting personnel

Woodmile can help to improve security by:

  • defining a travel risk management policy
  • executing a plan to get travelers out of high-risk areas safely
  • providing travelers with 24-hour access to travel professionals in the event of emergency
  • providing upcoming destination advice and during-trip alerts, traveler tracking, emergency and insurance services
  • providing post-trip information